Auction Service, LLC
Held at the Clark County
Saturday March 9, 2019
Accepting Consignments Thursday February 28th 9-5 Friday March 1st 9-5 Saturday March 2nd 9-5 Sunday March 3rd Viewing Only Monday March 4th 9-5 Tuesday March 5th 9-5 Wednesday March 6th 9-5 Thursday March 7th 9-5 NO CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED AFTER 5:00 P.M. MARCH 7th Fri. March 8th Viewing Only Sat. March 9th SALE DAY, Gate opens at 7:00 A.M., Sale starts at 10:00 A.M. Come Early to Register LOADING ASSISTANCE: Loading assistance available day of sale till dark Sun. March 10th Loading Assistance Available 10-4 Mon. March 11th Loading Assistance Available 9-NOON Tues. March 12th - Monday March 18th Loading assistance by Appointment Only. Call 660-727-3796
| Bobby Glasgow Family Trust * Farmall 806 (D) N.F. tractor, 2pt, clam shell fenders, updated seat. S#13173 * Farmall 560,(G) wide front, new batterie,Sells w/ GB 800 Work Master Hyd. loader, material bucket. S#3273 * Schulte S150 15' Rotary Cutter, safty chains, laminated wheels * 2002 Lone Star 16+2 open side car trailer, hide away ramps, good tires * Restored antique steel wheel box wagon * Restored antique 2 wheel cart w/ grass seeder * Hustler Raptor zero turn, 52" cut lawn mower (used 3 seasons) * Stihl MS251C chain saw, "As New" * Stihl FS50C weed eater
Bill Porter 660-216-5395 * JD 4650 MFWD cab tractor,18-4-42 tires & duals,, front and rear weights, quick hitch, 7386 hours, good tires * JD 980 field cultivator 30', 3 bar harrow * Bluejet anhydrouse applicator 11 knife,dicky john meter * INT.430 square baler, twine tie
Ellen Wilson * INT. 490 18' disk 9" spacings, 19" front and 20" back blades * Kent Series IV 21' field cultivator, 5 bar spike harrow * Bradley 9 shank pull type chissel plow * MF 124 square baler * AC 5btm plow * N.H. 36 side delivery rake
Kenny Clatt 660-282 3381 * Kinze 6/30 double frame no-til planter, corn & bean, markers, monitor, one owner
Bobbie Ridgley * Farmall F-20, factory spokes, new tires, older restoration * 14' flat bottom Jon boat and trailer * Iron Imp. wheels
Jack March * INT. 510 soybean special grain drill, grass seed, press wheels
Armstrong Tractor LLC, Steve 319-835-9830 * Bolens G244 compact 4WD tractor w/ loader, 1600 hours * JD Z425 48" zero turn mower * Scag TigerCat 52" zero turn mower * Scag Wildcat 61" zero turn mower * Ferguson 6' blade * Woods RM59 pto driven finish mower
Roy Hetzler 217-242-1562 * Ford 3000 (G) tractor, rops,2286 hours
Jason Birky 660-216-9841 * 2009 CASE IH Farmall 55 cab tractor, 2 Hyd. outlets, 808 hours, w/ Case IH L360 loader, 72"material bucket * Bush Hog ATF 720 finish mower
Kent Harness 660-341-3719 * INT. 490 20' disk, needs attention on front wing gang * Cattle head chutte
McAfee/ Hayes Auction service,LLC * 2010 R&W 18' car trailer * Skid Steer Baby Boomer backhoe attachment * 14' wagon
Ron Wayland * 3pt 8' tiller
Darin Boudreau 660-341-2493 * 2015 Polaris 900 XP North Star Limited Edition. Heated seats, cab enclosure, new custom tires and rims, braided brake lines, front and rear bumpers, scabboards,utility box, winch, sells w/ original tires and wheels and half doors, 3289 miles
Chris Ebeling 660-341-5639 * 500 gal. fuel tank w/ 15 gal. P.M. pump, on trailer. (Note: trailer has broken axel) * Diamond tread L shape fuel tank, w/ electric pump * Miller Legend Welder/Generator
Marty Miles * Shop Smith power unit, belt sander, table saw, scroll saw attachments and various other accessories.
Oberholtzer Trailer Repair, Earl 660-341-6027 * 1991 Timpte 42 x 66 x 96 grain trailer, steel wheels, 2 speed trap openers, good electric tarp & tires.
Phineas Eicher * AC WD 45 w/ loader
Chris Kirchner 660-341-4323 * Vermeer WR-10 V-rake, good condition * Gooseneck Bale trailer
Kevin Nixon 660-341-5024 * 2007 Chevy reg. cab 2500HD, 4WD pickup, 6.0 V8, P.W.,new tires, 81,000 miles, owned since 2009 * N.H. 513 manure spreader
Johnnie Shannon * N.H. 258 side delivery rake
Bruce Coppler * AC 4 row planter * Sitrex 5' finish mower * Transport water tank * 12 volt seeder
Greg Nichols * INT. 2 bottom fast hitch plow
Jesse Hoover * JD Z425 52" cut zero turn mower * 500 Gal fuel barrel with pump
Matt Ottinger * 3pt 2 row planter * Frontier 72" finish mower * 3pt 8' cultivator
Jeremy Daw 660-341-0416 * JD 1219 hay bind * seed auger
Larry Ross 660-341-7002 * N.H. 354 grinder mixer, hyd. unloading auger * Brute 6' 3pt rotary cutter
Jamie Ross 660-341-5197 * Hutchinson 8X32' electric grain auger * Honda Foreman 450 four wheeler, Needs attention.
Johnnie Harper 660-341-8188 * Industrial INT. 140 tractor w/ belly mower, runs good * 3pt single bottom plow * 3pt 1 row cultivator * 7' blade * 3pt universal bracket
Penny Paul (late Gene Paul) * Agco LT70 70hp. 4WD cab tractor,cummins 4cyl, 2 hyd. outlers, all real good tires 18.4-30 rear and 12.4-24 front tires,S# MO9629 w/Agco FL400 Hyd.quick couple loader , material bucket, joy stick
Mark Wellman * 3pt 4' box blade
Leroy Wagner * 1937 JD D tractor, restored
David Boltz * 1994 5th wheel 27' Prowler camper
Balls Farms, Timmy McDaniels * 1997 Corn Pro 7X24 gooseneck livestock trailer, good solid floor
Connie Kirchner * JD 140 Hydro garden tractor w/ front 3 way blade, rear tiller, Sells complete. runs good
William Cooper * 7' blade * 3pt bale spear * Loader bale spear
Sean kelly * Bulk bin * flare bed wagon * 6' blade
Roger Ludwick * Sunflower 21' disk
Eddie McAfee * Case IH 1020 platform, sells w/ head hauler
Buster Geisendorfer * Grain-O-vator cart
Other Consignments include: * JD spring wagon w/ like new tires * H.D.12' work bench * (4) sections of scaffolding * Steel bander w/ banding tool * H.D. steel shop table * Stihl FS45 weed eater * Paddle boat * 3pt. cat1 and cat.2 draw bars * 1950 Johnson boat motor * Steel post